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Midway Hotel demolition - not nearly as costly as many thought

Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 4:11 pm News Flash Archive

The demolition of the old Midway Hotel (which housed the Star Tailors store) in the 200 block of Carrollton Avenue is almost half way done, and the city has caught a huge break in the cost of the demolition work.

According to Betty Stigler, Greenwood's Director of Community Development, the city accepted a low bid of $2,500 to demolish the Star Tailor western end of the building, where the facade wall collapsed into Carrollton Avenue during the March 15, 2024 wind storm.

The Taxpayers Channel has been informed that the company doing the work is from Louisiana.

Meanwhile, the same company agreed to tear down the remaining parts of the Midway Hotel building, negotiating a private deal with the current landowners for an undisclosed amount.

Thus, the entire demolition should cost Greenwood's taxpayers very little, considering the public danger which will now be mitigated.

To see our previous reporting on the demolition and the condition of the building, read here: Midway Hotel demolition well underway

John Pittman Hey
The Taxpayers Channel

News Flash Archive
